Westbourne Park.
I write to say I have been to the convent at Blandford Square & seen one of the nuns had a talk with her about Mary & to make a long story short the truth of the matter is this. Nothing further can be done for Mary the only good recommendation she seems possessed of is a goodp2temper but she won’t work and they say she is so slovenly, untidy, & untruthful no one can put up with her and she has stupidly talked so large about her father being “a gentleman, that she is not obliged to work” &c that the nuns seem quite vexed with her & we cannot wonder at this.? The Lady she was with has been very kind to her & though a Protestant wouldp3have kept her had she done what was right. I have had a great deal of trouble myself & at last have been obliged to give her up as I cannot have her thrown on my hands & in England would be taken up for giving her a false character if I were to attempt to get her a place besides no one will keep her she seems to me to become more, & more indolent. The nuns were full of complaints about herp4I have lent her a few shillings which I have told her she need not return as it will help to defray her expenses back to Belgium as the nuns say they won’t have her in the convent She wished to come & live with me, but I have refused. I have more than enough to do to support myself & I am not going to encourage her in Lazyness I think you will say I have done right?
I wish you could get her p5into some reformatory a good sound whip would be the best thing for her she requires it!. I am disgusted with the girl after all the trouble you have taken with her God guide you the next best thing to do for her soul.
I heard from Mary last night you were ill again & I am very sorry to hear it dear father but God nows why he has sent you this affliction & may He comfort & support you under it. p6I have made up my mind to remain here & look after my trio[1] they sadly require a Mothers help, & heart, to keep them straight with Divine assistance. What a life a Parents is! - So many favours & graces to ask of God; their consciences to look after, as well as my own. This is my impression & there is a small voice within which says work here, stay here, & persevere with Robt - thereforep7I will give up all further thoughts of Bruges beyond a visit to see James. whose sad case is never out of my mind Why do people marry?! -
I wish the Bishop of Bruges would send you here for a change of scene & air which is what you require.
When you are quite convalescent again and able, I hope to have a letter from you. and if I can do any thing for youp8here, don’t forget there is one who will be always happy to serve in any way one who has done so much for her.