Clapham Common.
London. S.W.
I know that you will be sorry to hear that my dear Mother has been very dangereously ill; she first had a very sharp attack of Influenza; Congestion of the lungs then set in and then Inflammation of the lungs and Pleurisy began. She received all the last Sacraments last Monday fortnight; last Thursday, she had a relapse; the doctor[1] thought that she was sinking fast and Father Rector came and gave her the last Blessing; she is getting on very nicely now and the doctor says that if only she continues improving as she is now that shep2will soon be out of danger. Please, dear Father, will you kindly pray for her; she asked me to write and let you know that she is ill. Little Rosey and Sibyl were ill before her. We have one of the Sisters of Bon Secours nursing Mother. All the rest are well; we had good news of Bernard; he is getting on allright.
Begging you to bless me,