I have bought for you the Prie Dieu at Mr. King's sale;[1] the candlesticks were sold before I got your answer. The prints I have bought for myself, but one of these, well adapted for a salon, is if you wish it at your disposal.
I should like you to see the prie dieu before I send it - I am at a loss to know how to get it down to you, it is so large & I fear the carving might be damaged. Besides this I have King's designs for completing it, the upper part being in an unfinished state. I have enquired at the woodcarver's who worked for him & he says he will do it for 28 francs; in its present state however it isp2quite fit for use only it is a little heavy.
I did not get it quite so cheap as I had hoped, there being several others who bid for it The cost with commission & porterage to my house is 119 francs - I believe it cost 160 or 170 francs It is quite new, and I think you will be very pleased with your acquisition.
I have had several letters from Alberdingk Thym & other friends of the right sort who are all delighted at the prospect of a Manual for Belgium & Holland[2]