Westbourne Park
I must apologize to you for my long silence, but I am sure your kindness will forgive me when I tell you that it is really illness that has been the cause; since my return home I have nearly lost my senses. I have been in great want of your sympathy and advice; thank God that I am much more myself now and trust it will be the last I shall suffer from this dreadfulp2afflection[1] I have had an interview with Father Buttler and he has explained to me why he did not reply to the letters that were sent to him from Bruges, and should I ever have the happiness of seeing you again will inform you of his reason.
I hope you have been to see Marian, but I fear you have not you are always so busy you know she would be so delighted to see you, also your sister should she feel disposed to go. I have not yet been successful in letting my house I am much affraid[2] that I shall have it a long timep3before I find another tenant for it
I need not say how pleased I shall be to hear of you if you have time to send me a few lines