The time is now come for me to write to my beloved Edmund so I shall take the opportunity and enclose you a few lines. I was so delighted to receive your dear letter, I need no apologys, for your silence, I felt quite sure you would have written to me long since, only that your time was so taken up with your various duties - Oh! Father though I have never seen you, I could not look upon you as a stranger, what a true Father you have ever been to my precious Child. I am drawn to you by a link of deep and lasting gratitude how grace has worked in my Edmund since you met him for the first time at Ostend[2] Oh! the ways of Almighty God are most wonderful, never did I think the Church would be his state of life, my Father if it were possible to weary God by prayer how often I should have done so by my continued prayer for my Child, and now what do I desirep3only to see the day when my Edmund will say his first Mass, and give me the Holy Communion, and then all my desires will be realized in all things may the will of Almighty God be done —
My Edmund is becoming a help to me in my troubles, they have been severe, the last trial I have felt deeply, on his account, money to me is nothing but when I know it would benefit my Child Oh! it is everything, my Pride has suffered much in this last matter, so you see dear Father, I could not be made in the least Humble without suffering and causeing[3] my Child to suffer, and now my constant cry is Give me Humility dear Jesus Give me Humility, You pray that I may become humble. Remember me particularly on Monday the 1st of July when you say Mass Edmund will tell you why, I can say I never go to Holy Communion that I do not pray for you in my thanksgiving. I have read Father Fabers presentation of Jesusp4in the Temple in the Foot of the Cross[4] Oh! my Father I will do my best to resemble my sweet Mother[5] and offer my precious son to God and Holy Church for ever, Take him my God you gave him to me, & to you I return him —
A few more words and I must finish this, I am glad your College is getting into shape I am sure our dear Lord & His sweet Mother will safely carry you through all difficulties I am so delighted you remain at one time I was in fear I hope you will see my Edmund finish —
Mr & Mrs Pagliano desire to be kindly remembered to you, poor Mr Pagliano has felt deeply the sudden death of two nephews by the upsetting of a boat at Sudbury loch[6] Edmund will give you the the particulars --