Gunthorpe met me at the station, we then went to see Van Buylaere, he was not at home[2] and the servant said he was at his country house at St. Andre Before going there however we called on Van Herswynhels the lawyer for the creditor he said he had written to Van Buylaere but had had nop2answer to his letter. It seems there is some quarrel between them. The creditor lawyer said that either the money & costs must be paid down in full frs 800 or that the costs and ½ must be paid, another quarter in 8 days time and the other quarter they would wait for – I told him this was impossible and he said that things must take their course, or afterp3these things were sold they would then come to Courtrai and seize all our things to satisfy the claims of the 6 creditors[3] The[4] were before only 4, there are now 2 more
I do not know what to do I shall see Van Buylaere this evening at 8 oclock and am going to see what I can do with the creditors I must stop till I know the result of the proceeding at the court- at 2.30. or if it goes against me, or itp4seems it must, we shall have at once to leave Courtrai & go to France or England
I never imagined things could have been so bad. I have written to Mr. Gezelle.[5] You had better see him if possible I will telegraph again the instant I can send any news. I trust you are feeling a little better but am afraid these tidings will not improve you. Kiss all the children[6] for me