Here I am for a few days, after eight years! absence - When I was driven away,[2] I always said I would never enter the house again, till one of my children were in possession of their homes.
Willy is now reinstaled with his wife & two little girls,[3] I have come, but only for a day or two to see after my Farm here - I hope to come later, when they have had time to settlep2down & furnish some of the rooms &c - with Angela Edward & my little ones[4] on a longer visit, so I brought no one with me this time it would have been inconvenient - Maurice desired me to say that he regrets very much he cannot give any other advice than he has done, to the Lady you wrote about[5] He says no one would act for her in the matter without the knowledge & consent of her Uncle.[6] If she objects to that nothing can be done, & it would be far better for her -p3It would be better for her to spend the money she says she could spare (to pay interests if money were raised for her) on paying any debts or helping herself out of her difficulties by sure though slow means -
I am very sorry no more can be done – It is a pity she cannot speak to her Uncle who seems a sound & a kind man -
I return to Clapham tomorrow - We have both, been just one & then the other from home, or I would have written to you sooner -p4Will you kindly say a Mass for the repose of the Soul of my niece Beatrice Clifford,[7] a daughter of my eldest brother - She was burnt to death! last Saturday week. - She had been to confession as usual on Saturday evening, & on going to bed at half past ten - her night dress caught fire[8] She suffered fearfully but was so patient, continued to offer her sufferings, while her parents[9] brothers[10] sisters[11] prayed round her, the Priest brought her Holy Viaticum[12] gave her the last blessing at half past two she fell into a sleep, & died in it at half past eight on Sunday morning - She was not turned 20. -