Did I explain properly to you when I saw you that I should very much like to place Samuel in Germany[2] about August in a Priests House, & if you could hear of any one who would be willing to take him upon moderate Terms I should be obliged by your letting me know as earlyp2as possible - I think if he takes private lessons of the Xavarian German Brothers daily, he will know it fairly in Six Months - And now with respect to my 3 little Boys at St Louis[3] I am very fearful that Classical Colleges in Belgium are much the same as Classical Catholic Colleges at home I scarcely like to impress my views too strongly on Mr Villebois, for fear he will misunderstand me, for fear he will misunderstand mep3and it is just possible he may say - “Mrs Hazeland we cannot alter our system of education for 3 little English Boys, and if you can find anything that answers your purpose better by all means avail yourself of the opportunity” – now if he were to say that – I must say that I do not exactly know of any School or College in England or Belgium that does seem to suit me and yet I feel that the fault does not exist inp4myself, or that my requirements are unreasonable - I by no means wish any College to alter their system to suit my Children exclusively - but my Complaint is this - My Protestant Children[4] are well educated clever Young Men - with a limited knowledge of Latin & Greek - but capable of gaining a respectable maintenace in the Law & Commerce, first rate Accountants can write very very well both as regards hand writingp52& Composition – They know French & German & they both left School at Richard’s present age 16 – Now I see no prospect of my Catholic children[5] obtaining such necessary knowledge unless I send them to a Protestant School in England or a Government School in Belgium –
I have talked to many persons in Bruges respecting these Government Schools & depend on it, they have been established to supply a great needp6to give a good Commercial education - for the Belgian Government Doubtless require the same sort of education for their officials as the Civil Service in England I believe they would have been the most valuable institutions in this Country had they been ruled & guided by Ecclesiastics - but if they will not have them to rule & direct their School & sanctify them for it requires that as well –p7Why cannot the Bishops have a few Laymen in his College to teach Bookkeeping & the common rules of Cyphering & English Composition & combine a little of the Lay element with the Ecclesiastic & then it would be perfect -
I am sure Mr Villebois was dreadfully bored by my holding Latin & Greek in such low estimation & no doubt pitied my ignorance greatly – supposing me to be “a great enemy to thosep8beautiful languages” whereas I am no enemy to them at all - every thing in its place – A rose is a most beautiful flower far more pleasant to look upon than an onion & its perfume sweeter – but still not so serviceable to season our soup - I should be very sorry that the children should be removed from St Louis I should like them to finish their education there -p93but English Composition they must have & Writing & Cyphering I am sure that will not be gained by 2 Hours a Week devoted to the former & an occasional sum or two to the latter – Now I want you to make a great effort for me to gain what I want If I cannot obtain it I shall have done all that I can in the business and then I shall have no compunction in employingp10the Masters of the Government Schools or the Xaverian Brothers to give them private lessons - & the responsibility rests within the superiors of the English & Belgian Colleges who refuse to afford children opportunities of acquiring Commercial knowledge - at their establishments & they will have to give an account of such refusal It is of no course no use to accord it with an ill grace & withoutp11seeing the necessity for it - I am sure no Priest can teach Writing & Cyphering, they are too learned - I wonder whether you will be able to arrive at my meaning - I am quite sure I should have expressed it better, clearer & more forcibly had I been mistress of Latin & Greek but I have my own notions & I mean to keep to them in spite of my ignorance of the dead languagesp12because I know & feel the notions are right - and I have all the Commercial Class of England on my side - all the Merchant Princes, the Shipping Houses the Bankers & the Government so I do not stand alone & if I did I should maintain my notions just as strongly I wish I knew your Bishop as well as I know Dr. Grant Ip13would go to him about it for I am sure he would be courteous by his Portrait Now please take this matter in hand study my Civil Service Book and see if you cannot establish for the good people of Bruges a Commercial & Ecclesiastical College that shall leave them inexcusable in sending their Sons to the Royalp14Athenee - At Present they have much to excuse them - in doing so - For they are bound to provide their Sons with the description of education to enable them to earn their livelihood