Boulogne Sur Mer
I have been hesitating whether to write you a letter, and remind you of my existence, or whether I should not do so, and the result is as you see by this letter, in favor of the 1st determination I came here last Wednesday week and had a fatiguing & expensive journey - at present I think I may say I am a little better in some respects - but the difference is not very great - next week I hope to take the warm Sea Baths & perhaps they will improve me more - I have written to the Abbé Carton to give up my room because I think it uncertain whether, or when I may return to the Convent[1] although I hope to see Bruges again some day - I hope to remain here until October, & thenp2the time is too distant to say what step I may take - now I must say something of the Convent - It is by no means so free and easy as Spermalie, indeed under no circumstances (save severe illness) can any one be admitted to your rooms - The order is very very rigid & we have nothing scarcely to do with the religious - This Evening there is a Sermon in the parish Church[2] (which is under the same roof as the Convent) at 8 O Clock - but I cannot go, because the doors will be locked before it is finished - I do not know that I am more in love with convent life than before I left Belgium - but being alone it is perhaps the most respectable thing but I still hope to receive my friends again in Apartments, By the bye how could you act so unkindly as not to come & say farewell & give me your parting benediction - I suppose you had forgotten all about it - however I will not say anything more aboutp3disagreeable subjects - but proceed to tell you that I go to Confession to L’Abbé Le Roy a French Priest who understands English & the Reverend Mother has reproved me gently for saying - “Je l’aime beaucoup” - but really he is a dear old Man His hair is perfectly like Silver, as white as snow - and he is so gentle and so grave and so dignified withal one can never forget that he is a Priest of God - although he is not stiff, he shakes hands with his penitents at least he has with me - He gives his Instruction in French to me, and I believe he invited me to go & see him - I should think he was very strict he gives the most extraordinary penances, for many days in succession and his absolution is so slow & solemn it almost frightened me - What will you say to me for saying that in outward respects the French Priests at Boulogne are infinitely superior in reverence to the generality of Flemish Priests. that at the devotion every one kneels on the floor not on their chairsp4& that spitting on the floor is I think a thing passed and gone - Monsieur Le Roy thinks I had better not pass the Winter in Boulogne it is so fearfully cold - but there is plenty of time to decide that point - We have only 5 Ladies - one of them is Sister[3] to some Countess in Brussels Peneranda I think is the name They are very civil to me & one of them is going with me to Mr Le Roy - They are a different class (entirely) of Ladies to Spermalie - I find it rather triste; the atmosphere is too religious perhaps but I think it is decidedly more favorable for my spiritual advancement than Spermalie - but less bodily comforts the stairs are steep. the furniture meagre the restraints very very great - but I think I may say they all like me - Now may I ask a nice long letter from you, dont forget me at the Holy Sacrifice[4] and I will think of you in my poor prayers - that when you are an old man you may be like my newp5Confessor What a difference between him and some old Men - dear Mr Le Roy seems like a dear Father - and you seem like a Younger Brother - to me so dont take offence if I express myself with a sort of nonchalance (is that the word) - in writing to you - I feel just the same respect to any good Priest but age claims a different manner from us - and I dont respect you one whit less than Monsieur Le Royp6Now I must say Good Bye - & if it be the will of God I hope we may meet again I will write to you from time to time if I may & wishing you every blessing for Eternity & as much earthly comfort as would be good for you