I send you by this post, as being the most convenient, the Weekly Register. You will read with pleasure, I am sure, the beautiful poem “The Chapel in the Grail”[1] therein, from the pen of an Irish poetess, Miss Tynan of Dublin.
This lady has already published two volumes[2] of brilliant and sparkling verse, and is regarded in London as one of the most promising of our present English poets.
She is especially remarkable for the richness and dashing originality of her ideas, while at the same time she combines all the sweetness of Tennyson with the muscular energy of Shakespeare.
I hope you have already written to Boston about the illustrations. As I informed you,p2you are sure to receive a quick reply from Mr O’Reilly. [3]
I should feel extremely thankful for some few Masses if you have any on hands.
Of course you may keep all the papers I send you.[4]