I hope you will forgive me for answering your very nice letter before; now dont punish me by not writing again for I really want such letters they help me very much,
and dont think for one moment that I had forgotten you.
I often think of an evening of what we used to do at that time I miss the Children[1] very much I suppose they have forgotten me by this time.
I should like very much to come and see you all this Summerp2but I am affraid[2] that I shall not be able. Father wants me with him so much now he would be affraid to let me come for fear I should not go back again I cant blame him for I stayed away so long before[3]
I often think of our musical evenings and the boots[4] especially; how do the Children like the baby.[5] I am so glad it is all over. I will conclude now hoping you will still continue to pray for me. I am glad you gave me your Rosary it always serves to remind me to pray for you hoping you are quite well