By all means have the Binding photographed.[1] Who was the binder ?
I have at press a History of Mediaeval Binding & names of several Audenaerde binders & this puts me in mind that I have some Flemish rebuses that I cannot decipher but they are up at the Museum & I must look them up & send them to you to try your hand on.
Douce was born in 1757 & died in 1834, an archaeologist of the old school of great industry & considerable learning.[2] Author of Illustrations of Shakespeare 1807 & Dissertation on the Dance of Death 1833. Left a fine & large collection of manuscripts chiefly mediæval to the Bodleian & a case of manuscripts to the British Museum which is sealed up & must not be opened until 1 January 1900.
In great haste & with best wishes in which all here join.
Ever yours faithfully
W.H. James Weale