Madame Dhont prie Monsieur l’abbé Gezelle de lui faire l’honneur de venir dîner chez elle à Jabbeke le lundi 3 7bre prochain - à une heure -
Monsieur Gezelle pourra prendre à Bruges le convoi de 10 h. 45 -R.S.L P,[1]And an affirmative answer – You must come – You will meet your friend the “unnameable” vicaire of Jabbeke – your other friend and co-genius - the “curé” of Houthave – two or three other “curés” Mr Vandenbussche – whom you met p2at our house last winter and took a fancy to – Mr de Madrid with whom it was your wish to become better acquainted – my brother his wife - and the chickie-wickies[2] the lady of the manor – and castle[3] and the crown of all – your humble servant – We have trains starting for Bruges every two hours – you can at any time vanish even unseen when you have enough of us – So there can be no sort of reason why you should not come – unless it were the very unamiable wish of vexing me – Plaisanterie à part – vous viendrez – n'est-ce pas?