The Triptych is at length completed;[1] I will send it down by Mr. Buckley, or if he cannot take charge of it by Boysere on Saturday. I have not forgotten the designs for seal &c which I have been prevented attending to by excessive occupation.
You sent me 120 francs; here is the account, and I shall feel obliged if your worthy econome? will kindly remit me the balance by a 20 franc note & postage stamps
Prie Dieu & Auctioneer's Commission[2]
as per receipt sent 110.-
Triptych 36.-
Porterage, postage etc 2.60
Fr. 148.60
Have you read and do you appreciate Alberdingk Thijm's letter on Grosse's engraving?[3] I have just terminated a pamphlet in reply[4] on the state of the arts in Belgium, the impossibility of successfully reviving Christian Art without Christian Education with a severe & dashing review of the condition of our Ecclesiastical Buildings & the performance of our Church Services, as also a comparison p2between the epoch from 7th. to 14th. century & the dark ages (spiritually & artistically speaking) which succeeded it. I have tried to write without hurting any one in particular but in a manner that must draw attention to the subject, and have been careful to insert nothing that I cannot prove & to reserve also in petto a few strong facts for a 2nd. pamphlet if the 1st. be controverted.
Will you kindly thank Mr. Stoop for me for his article.[5] Why does he not come & see me? I have something to lend him which will I think greatly interest both of you.
Could you not translate the enclosed ballads? Do not mislay them as I value them greatly. They strike me as being just the thing to aid a movement if set to popular airs. Do try your hand at them.[6]
I have not forgotten Mr. Huus & the translation of his book. Ms. W. is at work doing a specimen.
Hoping to see you ere by sending you omnia Paschalia gaudia.