I am greatly disappointed to leave Bruges without seeing you again. I went to the Church between 3.30 and 4 o'clock this afternoon but it was closed. It was raining and as I was alone I did not know where to go for shelter and was therefore obliged, very reluctantly to go home, as I am under obedience to avoid taking cold as far as I can. There were several things I wished to say to you. One of them was to remind you of the little book[2] that you are going to send to Fr Christie by me, and whether I shallp2give any message to him from you. To ask you for your address[3] as we do not know it correctly, because I should like to write to you, if I may do so, now and then, and also to hear that you are alive. I also wished to ask you always to let me help you when you are in want of prayers, and to let me know whenever I can do anything for you. You will be so kind as to tell me when the prayers for your intention are answered, as I shall then have to put my thanksgiving into the Confraternity, because when the Members have been prayingp3hard they like to know when their prayers are answered that they may thank God. When I made the remark the other day that I found Pepery a very expensive luxury it may have given you the idea that I had to bear unkindness from the members of my family. In justice to their memory and their unceasing goodness to me I should like just to tell you that it made no difference between us. Papa was very naturally displeased with me at first but had so far forgiven me in three weeks time as to pay us a visit. Mamma was always resigned to everythingp4because she had such an angelic disposition, my brothers[4] and sisters[5] were even kinder than before. I did not have one single unkind word from any of them, and now that several of them are dead,[6] I like their forbearance to be known. I hope you will be able to come and pay us a visit this Autumn. I think a month in Hereford Square might do you good, and it would be such a pleasure to us!
Adieu, dear Father, pray for me sometimes, for I give all my prayers for others, I have not even made one communion for myself these 7 years, there is no time.
Your Child in Christ,
Mary Buckler.
[2] In haar brief aan G. Gezelle van 17/09/1872 spreekt ze opnieuw over dit kleine boekje en haalt ze het gedicht ’Met 't Kruis in top’ aan waardoor we weten dat het over de Kleengedichtjes gaat.
[3] Guido Gezelle verhuisde naar de Verversdijk 19 te Brugge in januari 1872.
[4] Haar broer uit het eerste huwelijk van haar vader met Mary Wheeler was John Edmund Farbrother (1823-1871). Haar halfbroers uit het tweede huwelijk van haar vader met Mary Dibbin waren Alfred Farbrother (1833-1903), Henry Francis Farbrother (1838-1869) en Frederick Robert Farbrother (1840-1901). (Ancestry)
[5] Haar zussen uit het eerste huwelijk van haar vader met Mary Wheeler waren Charlotte Maria Farbrother (1826-1900) en Julia Frances Farbrother (1829-1914). Haar halfzussen uit het tweede huwelijk van haar vader met Mary Dibbin waren Louisa Anne Farbrother (1836-1859) en Margaret Sophia Farbrother (1843-1934). (Ancestry)
[6] Tegen 1872 waren Henry Francis Farbrother (1838-1869), Louise Ann Farbrother (1836-1859) en John Edmund Farbrother (1823-1871) overleden.