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Dear Mr Gezelle,

I have left your letter[1] unanswered a little longer, as I did not see Mr Crombleholme[2] as soon as I expected to show him the letter which you had addressed to him.

As for Mr Bril having a strong desire to come to England, I feel sick of writing any more. Those who are called by God to the English missions have now ample opportunity of manifesting their wishes a qui de droit[3]

With regard to the young man, in whom you seem to take considerable interest, p2considering his bodily defects, I would not dare to recommend the Bishop to accept him, without first seeing him.

There is in the enclosed letter[4] a wonderful "naïveté" which pleases me. His thoughts, clothed in very simple language, seem of the highest spiritual order. & God often blesses the labours of such men in a wonderful manner.

But, as I said just now, I would rather not recommend him at present. You seem to have invited him to Bruges, to pursue his studies under your superintendance & this no doubt is the best course. Unfortunately we could not guarantee p3him as yet that he will be admitted.

As it does not appear to be the will of God that you should come to England, I am rejoiced to hear that -- you & Mr Algar are undertaking a very beautiful work at Bruges. May God bless your endeavours!

Yours truly in Christo
P. Benoit.
4Le Révérend Mr Gezelle
College Anglais

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Title26/09/1860, Salford (Manchester), Pieter Benoit aan Guido Gezelle
EditorStefaan Maes; Universiteit Antwerpen
PrincipalEls Depuydt
Funder Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge (Guido Gezellearchief); Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal en Letteren); Instituut voor de Studie van de Letterkunde in de Lage Landen (ISLN) (Piet Couttenier, Universiteit Antwerpen); Guido Gezellegenootschap
PublisherGuido Gezellearchief, KANTL/CTB
Publication PlaceBrugge, Gent
Publication Date2023
Availability Teksten en afbeeldingen beschikbaar onder een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding - Niet Commercieel licentie.
DisclaimerDe editie van de Guido Gezellecorrespondentie is het resultaat van een samenwerkingsproject met vrijwilligers. De databank is in opbouw, aanvullingen en opmerkingen kunnen gemeld worden aan els.depuydt@brugge.be.
Meer informatie over het vrijwilligersproject is te vinden op gezelle.be.
CitingStefaan Maes; Universiteit Antwerpen, Benoit Pieter aan Gezelle Guido, Salford (Manchester), 26/09/1860 . In: GezelleBrOn, Wetenschappelijke editie van de correspondentie van Guido Gezelle. 2023 Available from World Wide Web: link .